Friday, April 25, 2008

Potato Pizza

This recipe is from the chowhound site, I thought it was brilliant. Gluten-free crusts can get to be a bit dense and heavy so this seemed like a nice alternative, I'll post it as it was listed:

Perfect Potato Pizza
"The classic recipe for potato pizza in Italy is quite simple: potato, rosemary, olive oil, and salt," says vvvindaloo. To make it, lightly toss paper-thin slices of potato in olive oil, rosemary, and sea salt, with an optional tiny bit of either pepperoncini or black pepper. Bake on high until the top and edges are brown.
Other Chowhounds go nontraditional and add some cheese: Gruyère and raclette are favorites. Crushed garlic and caramelized onions are also additions that several hounds recommend. Some also precook their potatoes before adding them to the pizza to ensure they cook through. This
allows you to make more toppings-heavy pies too. Agent Orange makes a pizza with pesto, roasted potato rounds, roasted garlic, and a few small dollops of chèvre cheese.
I have yet to taste it but when I am in the pizza mood, which is not often, I will let you all know!

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