Tuesday, April 22, 2008

No matter what

Turns out I won't be able to post any pics of the last cupcakes as there are none left to snap...my apologies but it's a good thing cuz that means they were a hit!
It seems people just don't grasp the gluten-free thing easily. I'm taking this program for female entrepreneurs and we are always being given great ideas to help us start up our businesses but none of them can be applied to what I am trying to accomplish. I can not have cross contamination what-so-ever or my products could endanger people's lives, it seems that those with good intentions just sort of push that very important detail to the side when exploring options. I am a little bit down, I think it's also where I am living right now, what's happening with my shoulder,my family,work, there's just this huge cloud of "in transit" hanging over my life. I don't mind change but I realize my lack of patience has me being one of those who think the change should be a big bang followed by immediate results so we can move onto the next phase. Life just has a pace and I have the attention span of a 5 year old,(ok I'm being generous,maybe 2) I feel this incredible urge to move forwards and never look back but I keep checking-just in case. Lol!
My Kabbalah meditation this week is "No matter what"
This is the actual quote from the Kabbalah centre site:
So here is the battle plan for the week: don't fight yourself, fight the adversary within. Do this by repeating, NO MATTER WHAT!
So, I say here and now, No matter what:
-I will make this business goal a reality
-I will work everyday at improving my morale and self-esteem
-I will dedicate myself to embracing change (no matter the pace;P)
-I will focus on that which gives me the greatest strength,support,peace and well-being.
My creator, my dreams & true expression of my being, my son, my friends, life's multitude of opportunities.
No matter what I will fortify my soul!
Now, you will all have to excuse me as I must get out there and grab the day.
Smile :D

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